Frequently Asked Questions
Chisholm participates in the school-wide lottery. Learn more here: Apply & Enroll at Chisholm.
Chisholm participates in the DCPS early childhood and out-of-boundary lottery system to allocate available preschool and Pre-Kindergarten spots as well as for out-of-boundary new students.
Check your in-boundary school here: Find Your In-Boundary School
Preference for Early Childhood and Out-of-Boundary Lottery
In Bounds with siblings
In Bounds no siblings
Out of Bounds with siblings
Out of Bounds no siblings but lives with proximity to school (i.e. within 3* blocks)
Out of Bounds no siblings and without proximity to school
All returning Chisholm students in all grades will receive a placement for the next academic year and need NOT apply through the lottery.
CES classroom seats are assigned through a separate process, via Location of Service (LOS) letters from DCPS Central Office- Office of Specialized Instruction.
Learn more about our Bilingual-Arts program here.
Your child must turn 3 years old by September 30th of that school year to enter Preschool. Per DC Municipal Regulations (DCMR), families may enroll children in PK3 if they are 3 years old and in PK4 if they are 4 years old, respectively, by September 30. To apply for a PK3 or PK4 seat, families must submit an application through the My School DC lottery.
Yes. Learn more about before & aftercare options here.
Visit our Early Childhood Resources page.
BEFORE CARE for students is available with our Polite Piggy’s Partners beginning at 7 AM. Registration is required. Please do not leave your child at the school unattended on school grounds or in front of the building. Doors open for all students at 8:15 AM.
Limited Visitor Policy: Parents/guardians are not permitted into the building.
ARRIVAL, 8:15 AM – 8:44 AM:
PK3/PK4/Kindergarten Students: Use the Playground Gate Entrance (located on 11th Street near the big slide)
1st – 5th Grade Students: Use the Main Entrance (located at the corner of G & 10th Streets)
TARDY ARRIVAL, 8:45 AM - Until:
ALL students arriving late will enter and sign in at the Main Entrance
Tardy passes will be issued. Please come to school on time – we have a lot of work to do!
EARLY DISMISSAL: If you need to pick up your child early, please do so before 2:45 PM
PK3/PK4 students will be picked up from the Playground Gate Entrance (located on 11th Street near the big slide)
KINDERGARTEN DISMISSAL: 3:15 – 3:30 PM (located at the corner of G & 11th Streets)
1st – 5th Grade , DISMISSAL, 3:15 – 3:30 PM:
1st - 5th Grade students will be picked up from the Tyler Playground
If your child is not in After-Care, please ensure to pick-up your child on time. Thank you for your cooperation.
The playground is reserved for After-Care students’ use and is unavailable after dismissal. The playground is available to the public from 6 PM – Sunset (Monday – Friday) and Weekends.
We value family-school lines of communication. We communicate in a variety of ways, including via a weekly school-wide newsletter, individual class communication from teachers, social media, and more!
Yellow polo, collared shirts
Navy Blue Bottoms
Closed toe shoes
Dress down & spirit days will be announced
Students’ schedules vary greatly by grade and program. Your child’s teacher will share your child’s class schedule with you as the new school year begins, including when students have lunch, recess, specials (Art, PE, Health, Performing Arts, and Media) and nap, if applicable.
We have a wonderful team of specialist teachers. Our specials classes include: art, music, drama, health & physical education, & library.
There are many opportunities for students to get involved outside of the classroom! We have a variety of student clubs, arts-integrated activities, and sports.
Chisholm follows the same curriculum used in all DC Public Schools including the Common Core Standards for English and Math (Eureka Math) with thematic project-based learning (Cornerstone). Preschool and Pre-kindergarten classes implement the Creative Curriculum.
Please notify your child’s classroom teacher as well as Chisholm’s nurse (ktoppin@childrensnational.org), and appropriate actions will be taken.
Yes. Chisholm offers breakfast all students free of charge. Breakfast is served during morning arrival (8:15-8:45). Learn more about meal schedules here: https://dcps.dc.gov/page/sodexomagic-elementary-menus
Sodexo provides breakfast and lunch to Chisholm students. Menus can be found through the school or at https://dcps.dc.gov/page/sodexomagic-elementary-menus
Call our main office (202) 939 4810 or send us an email chisholmdcps@gmail.com